Friday, October 1, 2010

Movie Review

"Mr Nice Guy" was directed by Sammo Hung Kam-Bo and the main actor is Jackie Chan who is famous with a mass of action movies in China. This movie is a comedy mixed with action. The film follows Kam-Bos' plot, a film director, who wants to connect humour and crime in the modern life. His aim is using a big name star of Jackie Chan for his project.

This film will not appeal to everyone because Kam-Bo use too much actions in a long time than focusing on the content of this movie, which make the audience feel bored and annoyed by this. However, it will be interesting with those who like action movies.

Of particular note is the contribution of funny and KungFu master men who can create a laugh by his action. He always create many surprised situations when he acts. For example, while he was fighting crimes, he used a flower vase, tyre motorcycle or everything on the street to punch them.

Secondly, the director wants to focus on Jackie KungFu skills in order to bring dramatics to his movie, that create his success.

This film will definitely appeal to fans of Jackie Chan who enjoy his humour and KungFu.

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